Raspberry Piで新しめのLIRCを使う

Arch Linux ARMとRaspberry Pi 3で使おうとしたが、以下のようなエラーが出て使えなかった。

$ irrecord --device=/dev/lirc0 MyRecord
Using driver devinput on device /dev/lirc0
Driver `devinput' not found (wrong or missing -U/--plugindir?).
accent           alsa_usb         asusdh           atilibusb
atwf83           audio_alsa       awlibusb         bte
bw6130           commandir        creative         creative_infracd
default          dfclibusb        dsp              dvico
ea65             file             ftdi             ftdix
girs             i2cuser          irlink           irtoy
livedrive_midi   livedrive_seq    logitech         macmini
mouseremote      mouseremote_ps2  mp3anywhere      mplay
mplay2           pcmak            pinsys           pixelview
samsung          sb0540           silitek          sonyir
srm7500libusb    tira             tira_raw         udp
uirt2            uirt2_raw        usb_uirt_raw     usbx


# These are the default options to lircd, if installed as
# /etc/lirc/lirc_options.conf. See the lircd(8) and lircmd(8)
# manpages for info on the different options.
# Some tools including mode2 and irw uses values such as
# driver, device, plugindir and loglevel as fallback values
# in not defined elsewhere.

nodaemon        = False
driver          = default
device          = auto
output          = /var/run/lirc/lircd
pidfile         = /var/run/lirc/lircd.pid
plugindir       = /usr/lib/lirc/plugins
permission      = 666
allow-simulate  = No
repeat-max      = 600
#effective-user =
#listen         = [address:]port
#connect        = host[:port]
#loglevel       = 6
#release        = true
#release_suffix = _EVUP
#logfile        = ...
#driver-options = ...


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